Thursday, August 21, 2008


And now we come to Trish, the oldest. She's in that typical teenage phase where she is angry most of the time and tries to push the limits on every thing every chance she thinks she can. She can be sweet and smiley sometimes, but it's kinda like Bigfoot...little to no photographic evidence that her smile exists. *lol*. She's a good kid though, but only when she wants to be. When she does want to be, however, she can be a very beautiful and caring person....and I love those moments with her.

Here's a pic of Trish with her kitten, Seastar. They were so adorable together. She would pick him up to take him upstairs to bed every night, and he would hug her and just hold on. He only did that with her. He loved her very much.

This one is of Trish and Steven playing with some funny face glasses. It's one of my favorite pics. I love the way she doesn't mind when he makes funny faces behind her and stuff. She plays and has a good time, and it's wonderful to see her being so free.

Here's a few shots of Trish playing with her little brother, Oscar.


Shelley Moore said...

HAHAHA - put her in the kennel... tee hee hee... Seriously, tho, she'll come back to you guys eventually. The next couple of years will be rough, but she'll come back to ya and be the sweet girl that she hides now :)

Saifai said...

She's a sweetheart. Love to see the pics of her goofing off, especially the ones with Seastar and Oscar.

Had to laugh at the last one though. *snerk*